Collaborative Strategy for Developing the Archipelago and Small Outer Islands in Disadvantaged Regions

Case Study of Mentawai Islands Regency


  • Ir. M. Yani Marsidik Statistisi Ahli Madya
  • Dr. Nanang Somantri, S.Sos., M.Si. Analis Kebijakan Ahli Muda
  • Septian Widyanto, S.T., M.URP. Analis Pembangunan
  • Ike Herdiani, S.E., M.Si. Analis Kebijakan Ahli Muda
  • Mohammad Ilham. S.Si. Penelaah Data Sumber Daya Alam
  • Agits Agnia Fidzly Almatin, S.I.K. Penelaah Data Sumber Daya Alam
  • Tri Abdul Hidayat, S.Si. Penelaah Data Sumber Daya Alam
  • Veny Katrina Panjaitan, S.I.P. Analis Kebijakan Ahli Pertama
  • Erik Sanjaya, S.I.P. Analis Kebijakan Ahli Pertama
  • Cornela Rizki Ananda Rachma, A.Md. PPNPN
  • Yuliana Erlin Henriques, S.Ak. PPNPN
  • Danang Pambudi, S.M. PPNPN
  • Sumedi Raharjo Pengelola Rumah Tangga


island development, collaborative strategy, underdeveloped regions, connectivity challenges, poverty alleviation


Developing regions based on islands and remote small islands in underdeveloped areas requires collaborative strategies in accordance with the characteristics of each region. Thus, a collaborative intervention plan for the holistic, integrative, spatial, and thematic development of remote islands and small outer islands in underdeveloped areas will address issues at their roots, aligned with the specific situations and conditions of the regions.

The challenges faced in developing remote islands and small outer islands in underdeveloped areas generally involved the limited infrastructure and connectivity issues between islands which obstruct community access to service centers. The inadequate availability of basic infrastructure results in the lagging behind of these regions compared to others in Indonesia. This is evident in persistently high poverty rates, low human development indexes, and insufficient environmental awareness in these underdeveloped areas.

Moreover, to accelerate development in underdeveloped areas like Kepulauan Mentawai Regency, strategic issues revolve around developing key local products such as fisheries, agriculture, maritime tourism, and cultural tourism. Sufficient connectivity and access across remote islands are crucial in driving economic activities, facilitating the flow of goods, services, and information, thus enhancing the living standards of Kepulauan Mentawai's communities.

Understanding poverty-related issues involves various aspects beyond absolute numbers, encompassing consumption levels, housing conditions, education, healthcare access, clean water availability, and purchasing power. Addressing poverty requires synergy and optimization of various available resources. Effective handling necessitates involving all potential resources by integrating the roles and functions of each stakeholder.

The collaborative involvement of government, private sectors, academia, media, and local communities serves as a crucial factor in the development of remote islands and small outer islands in underdeveloped areas. Each stakeholder's role and function should align with their responsibilities. The government's role spans as a director and a development catalyst, while the community's active participation is pivotal for the optimal implementation of government programs.

Academia contributes by stimulating innovation, while the private sector provides capital and cooperative ventures, synergizing with government initiatives. The media's role involves promoting the strengths and uniqueness of small outer islands. The Presidential Decree Number 27 of 2022 emphasizes the importance of collaboration and coordination in expediting development programs in underdeveloped regions.

The development of small outer islands in underdeveloped areas requires engaging all stakeholders (pentahelix) for effective implementation. It aims to enhance existing potentials, generate new ones, and leverage the diverse potentials of various groups. Strengthening these regions relies on their inherent potential while fostering new capabilities, embodying the diverse archipelagic development of Indonesia, looking forward to Indonesia's Golden Era in 2045.


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How to Cite

Marsidik, M. Y., Somantri, N., Widyanto, S., Herdiani, I., Ilham, M., Almatin, A. A. F., Hidayat, T. A., Veny Katrina, Sanjaya, E., Rachma, C. R. A., Henriques, Y. E., Pambudi, D., & Raharjo, S. (2023). Collaborative Strategy for Developing the Archipelago and Small Outer Islands in Disadvantaged Regions: Case Study of Mentawai Islands Regency. Policy Paper Desa, Daerah Tertinggal, Dan Transmigrasi, 1(1), 139–184. Retrieved from